How to distinguish local wood from imported and how much does a parquet cost?

How to distinguish Italian wood from abroad, whether it is from the East, from France, from North America or from South America, from Asia or from China?

It is difficult to be absolutely sure of the origin of the material . The professional who is selling us the product must show us certifications or even the cutting plantations. Even better if the sawmill shows the original wood, the trunks and plants that were brought there for processing.

What is the right cost of a parquet?

By cataloging the parquet by width it can be said that a parquet of considerable width, in a plank format and with a length close to 2 meters can cost around € 40 per meter.

On this price, an Italian company is at a loss, while an oriental product has a 10% lower value. So evaluate your goal well.

With the same type of finish, with the same wood and choice of wood (the consumer may want large sparse knots, small knots a little less sparse, knots of a maximum size of 10 mm: all characteristics that only a manufacturer can “do on measure “on customer request, without surcharge). You can ask your salesperson for this type of refinement on your wood and then understand if the material is produced by the sawmill or imported. This is because the manufacturer can use certain parts of the wood, unlike the industry which standardizes everything.

As we have seen, costs and origins are very difficult to estimate or know. As always, relying on a professional you trust is the best choice!

Parquet of local wood, Italian, worked close to the origin